Monday, December 29, 2008

The Shades of Pemberley want cleaning...

Oh, for the love of all things Austen!

Is nothing sacred any more? Are the Shades of Pemberley thus to be polluted? This is not to be BORNE!

New and Unknown

10 years after Darcy and Lizzy got married they had a son. He is about to turn 17, but then one december night a beautiful, pale skinned girl asks for a job. What will happen when he finds out she is not really human but a vampire. OOC. Twilight cross over.

I have looked at the story in question, and there are AUTHOR'S NOTES in the text! Jane Austen is in her grave weeping at the terrible disservice this thirteen year old is doing to her text! I'm sure this girl hasn't even READ Pride and Prejudice.

I want to raise an angry mob right now. Who's with me? Grab your torches and pitchforks! Or at the very least, your flaming reviews. I know when I am in a more harmonious mood I will give this girl a piece of my mind.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, infamy! All is infamy! I'm with you, Merc. For one thing, TWILIGHT? and P&P!? It's like a Harry Potter and Patrick o' Brien crossover *shudders, in case said cursed hybrid is indeed lurking out there*. Both HP and er... Twilight are good books, in their own way - although personally after slogging bemusedly through all four books of Stephanie Meyer at the behest of my Edward-crazed sister, I fail to see the atraction. But there seems to no attention paid to logic, historical detail, or even comon sense....
    I feel with you, Merc, really.I do.
